牽手  活佛恩師慈訓

如果不是白陽普渡 多少人將流浪追逐
If not for Universal Salvation; How many souls would be adrift?
如果不是上天眷顧 多少心靈將無助
If not for Heaven's great concern; How many souls would be helpless?
如果不是緣份特殊 怎會相約在塵俗
If not for this special karma; How can we meet in this world?
如果不是因緣俱足 咱們怎能成為師徒
If not for sufficient affinity; Can we be Teacher and disciple?
因為承諾誓言出 擔上使命和任務
'Cause of promises we made; Bearing mission and duties
因為心疼不捨受苦 所以牽掛朝朝暮暮
'Cause can't bear to see souls suffer; Showing concern each day and night
因為眾生性命擔負 所以再苦也不服輸
'Cause responsible for all souls; Not giving up despite hardships
因為願力如山如阜 鞭策自己加緊腳步
'Cause of will power and resolve; Spurring ourselves with urgency
咱們風雨無阻 越挫越勇不怕孤獨
We're not hindered by hardships; With hardships come greater courage, no fear of being alone
咱們心手相連同步 實踐理想互相扶助
Our hearts and hands are united; Working to achieve the ideal
咱們寫下歷史一幕 歡笑血淚心中常駐
Writing this chapter of history; Our hearts etched with joy and misery
但願眾生能離苦 不再紅塵任漂浮
Wish all souls to suffer no more; To drift in this world no more








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